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‘America Apps’ Category

Applications are increasingly present in people’s routines. Used for various purposes, without a doubt, they are a great option to make life more practical.

However, when looking for an application to download, it is possible that the user asks himself: “Will I have to pay for the download?”.

Users who have already browsed the Google Play Store or App Store, at some point, have come across these terms: free, lite, premium and freemium.

These terms indicate the type of application you are downloading and whether or not you will have to pay mandatory/optional for it.

So that you are not surprised by some type of charge, find out about the categories in which the apps are inserted.

app free

The most common category is “Free”!

A “Free” application is one that you don’t have to pay anything to download and use.

Example: Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, among others with very specific functions, produced and provided by Google.

Despite the large number of free apps, in “Free”, you are faced with a lot of advertising material, advertising windows, that is, ads.

This happens because the developer of that application wants to monetize their product.

app lite

Available for use during a certain period or with only a few functions available, the “Lite” applications work as a kind of tasting and can be downloaded for free.

With fewer features, it is a lighter app, providing a better experience for its users.

An example of this type of app is Facebook Lite, which was created to work in places where the Internet connection is precarious.

In this way, if the user wants to access all the functionalities of the “Lite” application, he must pay for its final version.

premium app

The “Premium” app is the one you pay to download (one-time payment).

As it is a paid app, you will not be faced with advertisements while using it, which provides the user with better usability.

This model works well for any type of app, however, it should be an option for apps that are feature-rich or target a specific audience or niche market.

freemium app

As the name implies, it is the combination of the words “Free” and “Premium”.

But what does that mean?

In other words, we’re looking at an app that combines two business models: free and premium.

This type of app is free to download, but they are real online stores. Your payment is made through the features sold in the store.

Thus, a “Freemium” app is free to download, and paid for who wants to use it.

The “Freemium” app is widely used in games such as Candy Crush and Plants vs. Zombies, for example.

Now that you know the difference between the types of apps, it’s important to talk about a curiosity about free apps. Because they have a lot of ads, this type of app consumes the cell phone battery faster, as well as the data package.

When hiring a company to develop an application, make sure the managers or team members have experience with software development.

America Apps specializes in offering customized and innovative solutions to our customers.

Have a professional application for your company’s project!

More than just developing apps, América Apps transforms experiences into business opportunities.

We have a multidisciplinary team of programmers and designers to make your technology project a reality.

Contact us and schedule a meeting!

Due to technological development, the speed of information and the importance of practicality in the daily lives of companies and customers, websites, blogs, e-commerces and social networks are no longer enough to stand out in the market.

Then came the need to develop user-friendly applications to make life easier for its users.

Hence, the importance of creating applications that provide excellent experiences for users.

For this reason, much has been said about UX Design.

What is UX Design?

UX is an abbreviation for User Experience, which in a literal translation means User Experience Design, that is, the objective is aimed at ensuring that users have the best experience of using a product or service.

Principles of UX Design

  • Eliminate usage obstacles;
  • Simplify conversion decisions;
  • Provide maximum convenience;
  • Self-service, engagement and satisfaction (or enchantment);
  • Offer optimized search tool;
  • Consider the context of use.

With so many apps available, launching a good tool is not enough to build a brand or convert it, the app necessarily needs to be well developed.

App design is the creation of interfaces that meet user expectations regarding interactions and experiences within mobile applications.

Why is App Design so important?

  • An app needs an attractive look to be competitive and attract more customers;
  • Create your own environment for your application, prioritizing mobile navigation that needs to be accessible, intuitive and that takes up little space on the screen;
  • Present your users with an application with its own design, that is, personalized, that draws attention due to the brand’s visual identity.

UX Design plays a very important role in attracting and retaining users.

This means that if you create something great, more people will use your app.

This is the secret of big brands like Apple, for example, which charge more for their products.

Keep in mind that for your app to become successful, a lot of work is required.

When hiring a company to develop an application, make sure the managers or team members have experience with software development.

America Apps specializes in offering customized and innovative solutions to our customers.

Have a professional application for your company’s project!

More than just developing apps, América Apps transforms experiences into business opportunities.

We have a multidisciplinary team of programmers and designers to make your technology project a reality.

Contact us and schedule a meeting!


Contact us and schedule a meeting!

It’s already a fact that apps are here to stay!

Apps are used for various activities such as leisure, education, physical activity practices, medical care, banking operations and so on!

Each business has its characteristics and peculiarities, so custom apps are key to the success of a venture, as apps are a necessity for many people.

Why invest in custom application system?

Investing in your brand and having one more ally as a differential, especially at a time when everything is online, is a way to stand out from the competition and generate positive experiences for your consumers.

Whether Android or iOS operating system, you can reach higher levels and be more successful in your business through custom apps.

To have a customized app, companies must have well-defined objectives and, of course, have a team that develops an efficient process taking into account the particularities of each operating system, in this way, the most common mistakes will be avoided.

What are the advantages for investing in custom applications!

  • greater visibility;
  • cost reduction;
  • direct sales channel and relationship with consumers;
  • strengthening and valuing the brand through a personalized app;
  • immediate communication;
  • consumer loyalty;
  • streamlined sales processes;
  • greater knowledge of consumers;
  • suitability of the app to the type of demand your company needs to meet and;
  • adaptation to the specific needs of each sector of the company.

Usually, companies use unique platforms and applications, which are already ready for any type of business.

And the problem is right there. What is the differential of who uses an application that the competition also uses?

The personalized application aims to help entrepreneurs sell more and with greater authority, as it bears their brand and has the characteristics of the company.

Finally, what differentiates custom applications from others is that they are equipped to meet all the objectives of the business, providing valuable data for decision making and delivering much better performance to the user.

Make your brand memorable to your consumers through a personalized app.

Offer a new customer service channel. An app with self-service features, for example, will make it simple for the customer to navigate through the questions or issues they face and will help filter only the most important tickets.

Optimize customer relationships and increase engagement with a personalized app.

When hiring a company to develop an application, make sure the managers or team members have experience with software development.

América Apps specializes in offering customized and innovative solutions to our customers.

Have a professional application for your company’s project!

More than just developing apps, América Apps transforms experiences into business opportunities.

We have a multidisciplinary team of programmers and designers to make your technology project a reality.

Contact us and schedule a meeting!

To start, let’s talk about the importance of an application for companies.
Apps are a solution to bring brands closer to the public, offering day-to-day practicality.
As it is a solution developed according to the company’s interest, it is possible to create it in order to base your internal communication on its own use.
When looking for a solution to improve your offer of products or services, you should estimate the costs of this process, including the amount to keep the app running, still in the planning phase.
There is no definitive answer on how much an enterprise application costs.
Applications can be simple or more complex, however, we agree that regardless of whether the app is simple or complex, it must be easy to use, otherwise, the user runs the risk of uninstalling it.
For you to better understand the composition of the value of a mobile application, you need to know how it is developed.
In addition to expertise in software development and design knowledge, the use of different technologies used in building a website must also be taken into account.

Factors that influence the app creation value

  • Level of complexity (basic, medium or high);
  • Demand to be resolved;
  • Native app (ability to assume different functions) or hybrid (relatively simple programming language);
  • Characteristics and functionalities (standard or customized interface, login area, shopping cart, offering interaction with the user, etc.);
  • Interface and design;
  • Platforms (Android, iOS or hybrid);
  • Backend and admin infrastructure;
  • Maintenance and updates;
  • Be in Portuguese/Brazil or another language;
  • The time it takes for an application to be ready and launched directly influences its cost.

Benefits that applications bring to your company

  • Brand building;
  • Better customer relationship;
  • Market differentiation;
  • On-the-fly Marketing;
  • Research On-the-fly;
  • Integration to the company’s systems;
  • Greater business visibility.

The budget to build an app can vary depending on the infrastructure, platforms, code, features and design.
It’s also important to budget for maintenance, upgrades, and hosting costs on secure, fast servers.
As you can see, regardless of the complexity of the app, the sooner it is planned and ordered, the better!
When hiring a company to develop an application, make sure the managers or team members have experience with software development.
America Apps specializes in offering customized and innovative solutions to our customers.
Have a professional application for your company’s project!
More than just developing apps, América Apps transforms experiences into business opportunities.
We have a multidisciplinary team of programmers and designers to make your technology project a reality.

Contact us and schedule a meeting!

Ever used an app and missed something about it?

From this absence, a great app idea can be born!

The use of applications has grown as much as its production in the last year and the market remains promising for those with great ideas to make life easier for consumers.

There are several examples of applications that changed the world, such as Instagram, for example.

How to put the idea of ​​an application into practice?

Have you discovered functions that would add value to an application in a certain segment, but don’t know how to take your idea further and put it into practice?

We’ve separated a step-by-step guide here to help you get this app project off the ground!

The idea is just the first part of the project to make a different application.

  • Understand if your app idea is viable;
  • Choose a business model : freemium, subscription as a service, full licensing or display Ads;
  • Search the market to verify acceptance and the search for the type of application you want to create.
  • Define the purpose of your application;
  • Talk to professionals specializing in application development to get your idea off the ground;
  • Define an appropriate layout for your application, as it influences its usability;
  • The visual language is also important and must be in line with the user’s profile and their demands;
  • Test your app after it’s ready, as the testing phase is super important. Establish a testing period until it is officially launched on the market;
  • Define the platform your app will be available on: iOS or Android;
  • All very well? The most awaited time has arrived: the launch! But, things don’t stop there. Now it is necessary to publicize it;
  • Marketing actions will be necessary for your application to become known and used. Actions on Google Ads, Facebook Ads and sponsored ads on Google play are some forms of paid advertising that can give you faster results.

How does the support of a company specialized in application development make a difference?

Choosing the company that develops your application makes all the difference.

Creating an app is a complex process with many steps to deliver a quality app.

The chosen application development company should define, together with you, the best strategies for creating the application.

It is not enough that the application idea is interesting for the market or that it has excellent investors. It’s no use if the functioning of the app does not generate a good experience for its user.

Develop your app project today!

More than just developing apps, América Apps transforms experiences into business opportunities.

We have a multidisciplinary team of programmers and designers to make your technology project a reality.

Get in touch with us and schedule a meeting!

Among the items that are at the top of digital actions, we highlight: applications and artificial intelligence, which aim to make the customer and user experience more pleasant, comfortable and unique.

User experience involves everything that concerns their relationship with a system, product or service, from the perceptions that precede the purchase or use to the levels of interactivity itself.

And precisely because we live in a time when the user experience and the new consumer profile dictate the rules and their level of demand, companies have been stepping out of their comfort zone to retain and attract new customers and users, prioritizing the relationship through actions focused on the best customer experience and supported by emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI).

Artificial intelligence involves a grouping of various technologies that can simulate human capabilities related to intelligence and the creation of intelligent systems capable of performing one or more tasks efficiently, allowing companies to satisfy consumer needs more easily.

What are the technologies behind AI (Artificial Intelligence)?

  • Machine Learning;
  • Deep Learning;
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP).

What are the benefits of AI (Artificial Intelligence) for businesses?

In addition to optimizing processes, reducing failures and repetitive work, artificial intelligence influences:

  • More assertive decision-making;
  • Convenience and scalability;
  • Increased automation;
  • Reduction of errors, risks and operating costs;
  • Optimized customer service;
  • Know your customers in depth;
  • Increase the quality of your customer service;
  • Target customers according to their demands;
  • Manage the consumer effectively;
  • Reorganize your operation’s priorities.

What are the advantages of using artificial intelligence to improve the customer experience?

Artificial intelligence is becoming more and more present in everyday life, making everyday tasks easier for businesses and consumers alike. For this reason, customers and users have quickly adapted to this new reality.

Thus, it is no longer enough to offer the best deal, customers want the best experience. Artificial intelligence provides:

  • Optimization of processes with the customer or user, allowing companies to accelerate learning about the customer and anticipate their needs;
  • More efficiency in human service, since artificial intelligence, when recognizing a problem, can present the solution more quickly to the attendant;
  • More solutions and personalization through consumer data, who want to have unique experiences and feel different from others;
  • Time for the company to think about innovations through a more effective and optimized service, which favors not only the customer, but also the work of the team;
  • Customer loyalty through personalized, efficient and fast service;
  • Reduction of costs in hiring personnel.

Companies of all sizes and segments are already using Artificial Intelligence technological strategies to improve their service and satisfy the demands of their users and consumers.

Technology is not enough, you need to be sensitive, anticipate consumer expectations to create a humanized bond in your interaction.

Artificial intelligence has the ability to provide more than just direct customer service, playing an important role in the overall customer experience, actually influencing the way customers behave.

Scale artificial intelligence across your enterprise and empower people and processes for the future.


Talk to us right now and learn more about our solutions.

América Apps transforms experiences into business opportunities.

We have a multidisciplinary team of programmers and designers to make your technology project a reality.

Get in touch with us and schedule a meeting!

Digital transformation is a reality and companies are giving maximum attention to survive and stand out.

The use of apps grew considerably during the pandemic and Brazil is the second country where the app market grows the most.

The data also show that cell phones were the most used platforms for purchases, accounting for 82% of transactions, while computers, only 25%.

In 2020 alone, the use of apps, mainly delivery, grew from 30% to 400% depending on the state.

Studies indicate that Brazilians have around 70 to 80 apps installed, with an average real use of 30 apps.

The number of organic conversions on the Google Play Store, Google’s app store, increased by 30%, making companies and Startups race against time to be present in consumers’ pockets.

An example of a company that had a positive impact and stood out in e-commerce during the pandemic is Mercado Livre, which created its own app to better serve its consumers.

How to be prepared for the necessary changes?

  • Create an application for your company;
  • Align your product offering with changing consumer behavior;
  • Adjust your marketing strategy;
  • Stay tuned to your customer’s demand.

Why should your company or Startup develop an application?

With the expansion of digital business and the advancement of technologies, companies and Startups have been creating a more conducive environment for their customers.

Own technologies for mobile devices, such as applications, which are increasingly present in the market, with the consumption of products and services by cell phones being common, in addition to the ability to interact through social networks.

In addition, one of the great advantages of apps is the reduction of user data usage, making the experience much more convenient.

What are the advantages of an application for companies and Startups?

It has become common, regardless of the type of business, for companies to have their own apps. See some of the advantages:

  • ease of access
  • Greater customer loyalty
  • Better relationship with customers
  • offline operation
  • Comfortable user experience

Among so many innovations, apps are here to stay, especially during the pandemic period, which has been governed by the use of mobile devices.

Companies and Startups have increased their investments to develop their own applications, in order to generate a unique experience for their users and consumers, increasing their sales and gaining recognition in a market that has become immensely competitive.

This attitude is decisive for retaining more customers, as it makes the company’s contact with the target audience easier and more practical.

Be visible to customers at all times. Have a professional application for your company or Startup project!

More than just developing apps, América Apps transforms experiences into business opportunities.

We have a multidisciplinary team of programmers and designers to make your technology project a reality.

Get in touch with us and schedule a meeting!

Se voltarmos no tempo, não há como negar que a tecnologia mudou nosso jeito de viver, ocasionando um impacto tão grande que todos os meios precisaram se adaptar, inovando no jeito de atrair consumidores.

Com isso, chegaram os aplicativos!

Os aplicativos são programas de software para dispositivos eletrônicos e estão presentes em dispositivos inteligentes.

Desenvolvidos para serem instalados em celulares, smartphones, tabletes e TVs, os aplicativos móveis, se popularizaram em 2008 e, tornando-se indispensáveis, principalmente na telefonia móvel, em 2010 passaram a ser chamados de “app”.

Mais conhecidos como “apps”, são facilmente identificados através dos quadradinhos espalhados pela tela do celular ou da TV, disponibilizando funcionalidades de forma fácil e intuitiva, facilitando a realizando de várias atividades e consequentemente, o dia a dia do usuário.

Existem aplicativos para atender a todos os interesses e necessidades dos usuários, desempenhando uma ou mais tarefas.

Categorias de aplicativos

  • Utilitários
  • Serviços
  • Produtividade e finanças
  • Comércio
  • Estilo de vida
  • Educativo
  • Entretenimento
  • Jogos
  • Informativo, entre outras.

Apps para Android e iOS

Os aplicativos para celulares e smartphones são os mais populares.

Sistema operacional Android

O sistema operacional Android é o sistema móvel mais usado no mundo.

Os consumidores tiveram acesso ao Android somente em 2008, cinco anos após o desenvolvimento da primeira versão, que apesar de simples, já oferecia inúmeros recursos.

Somente em 2013, quando chegou ao mercado a versão 4.4 do sistema operacional Android (KitKat), é que ele passou a ser considerado um rival para a Apple, assumindo a liderança.

Hoje existem mais de 3 milhões de apps na Play Store, mais de 2,5 bilhões de usuários no mundo e no Brasil, 9 em cada 10 pessoas têm um smartphone com o sistema operacional do Google no bolso.

Sistema operacional iOS

Lançado por Steve Jobs em 2007 ainda com o nome de iPhone OS, o sistema operacional iOS é utilizado exclusivamente nos dispositivos móveis da Apple, como iPhones, iPads, iPods touch e até mesmo na Apple TV.

Mesmo sendo um sistema operacional exclusivo da Apple, o iOS conta com seguidores fiéis e muito exigentes.

Qual é o melhor sistema operacional, Android ou iOS?

Não existe melhor, tanto sistema operacional Android quanto o iOS, proporcionam uma boa experiência para o usuário, porém possuem diferentes funcionalidades.

O iOS e o Android são os sistemas operacionais mais importantes da atualidade e transformaram os smartphones em um item essencial para a sociedade.

O Brasil é o país onde as pessoas mais gastam tempo em aplicativos de celular em todo o mundo.

De acordo com um estudo realizado pela App Annie ainda este ano, foi constatado que passamos em média 5,4 horas no celular.

Os apps são de fácil acesso aos usuários e garantem uma excelente rentabilidade. Por isso, muitos empreendedores com intenção de inovar e criar novos apps para entrar no ranking dos aplicativos mais baixados.

Tenha um aplicativo profissional para o projeto da sua empresa!

Mais do que desenvolver aplicativos, a América Apps transforma experiências em oportunidades de negócios.

Contamos com um time multidisciplinar de programadores e designers para tornar seu projeto de tecnologia realidade.

Entre em contato conosco e agende uma reunião!


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