Tem uma ideia de App?

Ever used an app and missed something about it?

From this absence, a great app idea can be born!

The use of applications has grown as much as its production in the last year and the market remains promising for those with great ideas to make life easier for consumers.

There are several examples of applications that changed the world, such as Instagram, for example.

How to put the idea of ​​an application into practice?

Have you discovered functions that would add value to an application in a certain segment, but don’t know how to take your idea further and put it into practice?

We’ve separated a step-by-step guide here to help you get this app project off the ground!

The idea is just the first part of the project to make a different application.

  • Understand if your app idea is viable;
  • Choose a business model : freemium, subscription as a service, full licensing or display Ads;
  • Search the market to verify acceptance and the search for the type of application you want to create.
  • Define the purpose of your application;
  • Talk to professionals specializing in application development to get your idea off the ground;
  • Define an appropriate layout for your application, as it influences its usability;
  • The visual language is also important and must be in line with the user’s profile and their demands;
  • Test your app after it’s ready, as the testing phase is super important. Establish a testing period until it is officially launched on the market;
  • Define the platform your app will be available on: iOS or Android;
  • All very well? The most awaited time has arrived: the launch! But, things don’t stop there. Now it is necessary to publicize it;
  • Marketing actions will be necessary for your application to become known and used. Actions on Google Ads, Facebook Ads and sponsored ads on Google play are some forms of paid advertising that can give you faster results.

How does the support of a company specialized in application development make a difference?

Choosing the company that develops your application makes all the difference.

Creating an app is a complex process with many steps to deliver a quality app.

The chosen application development company should define, together with you, the best strategies for creating the application.

It is not enough that the application idea is interesting for the market or that it has excellent investors. It’s no use if the functioning of the app does not generate a good experience for its user.

Develop your app project today!

More than just developing apps, América Apps transforms experiences into business opportunities.

We have a multidisciplinary team of programmers and designers to make your technology project a reality.

Get in touch with us and schedule a meeting!